Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds

According to the sales situation in recent years, there are more and more farmers who use battery cages to raise chickens. The biggest reason why the battery cages can continuously increase their utilization rate is because they have huge breeding advantages in the process of breeding, so what are the advantages of their breeding? Let's take a look at the specific advantages of the caged chickens in the cage.


1. Poultry battery cages are stacked one after another, which can reduce the footprint of the cage, which can save farmers the use of the housing area, so that farmers can make full use of the remaining area of the house to do other things.

2. Battery chicken cages are also piled up one after another, making full use of the advantages of space, can increase the number of chickens raised by farmers, and improve the economic benefits of farmers.


3. The bottom layer of the battery cage is a certain distance from the ground, avoiding the contact between the chicken and the chicken manure, reducing the damage of the bacteria to the chicken, reducing the incidence of the chicken, and increasing the survival rate of the chicken.


4. The battery chicken cages fix the chickens within a certain range, so that the activity of the chickens will be reduced, the energy consumption level will be reduced, and the increase of the feeding conversion rate will save the farmers a lot of feed costs.


5. The battery cages are made of high-quality steel, which has high strength and toughness, and has padding in the bottom net equipment, thus avoiding the occurrence of flock bursitis and chicken leg disease.

Saturday, 29 December 2018 02:23

Precautions for automatic feeders

The production and use of automatic feeders greatly solve the problems of large and medium-sized farmers who are difficult to feed the chickens in chicken battery cages, have a long time and labor intensity, and effectively improve the work efficiency. Then the automatic feeder should pay attention to the use. What are the matters?

What are the precautions for using the automatic feeder?

First, pay attention to timely inspection. The inspection is divided into three parts: the top of the feeder, the belt, and the motor. The automatic feeding machine can not place heavy objects on the top, and check whether the belt is loose. The main part of the feeding machine is the motor and the geared motor. Therefore, pay special attention to whether the motor has abnormal conditions, and if necessary, handle it in time.

Second, we must pay attention to clean up. Because the dust will be generated during the operation of the feeder due to the production of feed, if the dust remains on the machine, it will cause dust in the control box of the feeder, which may eventually lead to short circuit and affect the machine. Therefore, when using, remember to regularly clean the feeder.

Third, keep the lubrication between the feeders. If there is no lubrication between the gear chains, the components inside the feeder will wear out, which will affect the working effect and efficiency.

Published in Broiler Feeding System
Wednesday, 26 December 2018 06:45

What are the advantages of broiler cages?

Experiments show that the technical advantage of commercial broiler cages is significantly better than the flat to raise. Not only can increase the number of breeding, improve production performance, save production costs, bring significant economic benefits to farmers, but also save land resources, reduce environmental pollution, improve product quality, and create huge social benefits.


In recent years, a more advanced broiler breeding model, broiler cages, is quietly emerging. What advantages does broiler cages have?


The advantages of broiler cages are:


1. High level of automation: automatic feeding, drinking water, decontamination, wet curtain cooling, centralized management, automatic control, energy saving, reduced labor costs, greatly improving the breeding efficiency of farmers.

2. chicken flock prevention, effective prevention of infectious diseases: chickens do not touch the feces, can make the chickens grow stronger, provide a clean and warm growing environment for the chickens, the chickens are healthy and balanced.

3. Compared with the flat raise, the density of the stock is increased by more than 3 times, the utilization rate of the surface area of ??the house is improved, and the land can be saved.

4. Saving feed: meat cages increase the growth rate and feed conversion rate, chickens are kept in cages, the amount of exercise is reduced, energy consumption is less, and waste materials are reduced. According to the experiment, cage cultivation can effectively save more than 25% of the cost of farming. The ratio of feed to meat in net or flat chicken is generally between 1.75 and 1.8:1, while the ratio of caged meat to meat is at least 1.61:1 and the highest is 1.7:1.

5. Reduce the cost of medicines, at the same time can effectively control the occurrence of the disease, because the chicken does not touch the feces, and the use of closed houses, isolated from the outside, reduce the spread of disease; indoor comfortable environment is also suitable for the healthy growth of chicken.

6. Save time: It is convenient for breeding users to manage livestock and poultry, saving more time to deal with other things; using a fully enclosed and fully automated farming mode, two people can manage a chicken house with 3-4 million chickens, which is very economical. Artificial.

Therefore, on the whole, the advantages of cage farming benefit are more and more obvious. In the previous model of land raising and net broiler chicken, the profit of broiler farming was less and less, and many large-scale farming or group with funds, even small-scale Farmers have changed their own chicken houses into cages to further increase the scale and land utilization rate, and improve the breeding efficiency through scale effect.

Published in Broiler Feeding System
Wednesday, 26 December 2018 03:03

Suggestions for building a chicken house

The chicken house has two types: open house (common house) and closed house.

The common form of open house is that there are walls on all sides, large windows on the south wall and small windows on the north wall. All or most of these houses are naturally ventilated and naturally lit, and the temperature and humidity in the house vary substantially with the seasons. Ventilation and lighting equipment is often required in this type of house to supplement the lack of ventilation and lighting under natural conditions.

Closed house is also known as a windowless house. The roof of the chicken house is well insulated from the four walls, and there is no window on all sides. The interior environment is adjusted by manual or instrument control. Artificial ventilation and light are used in the house to control the temperature, humidity and air composition of the house by changing the amount of ventilation.

So what are the structural requirements of the various parts of the house?

The foundation should be deep and strong. The floor of the chicken house should be 20~30 cm higher than the outside, moisture-proof, flat, easy to clean and disinfect.

The material with good thermal insulation effect is selected, and the heat insulation performance is good, which can protect poultry farming equipment.

Roof: In addition to the single-sloping roof of the chicken house with a small span, the double-slope type is generally used.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms
Wednesday, 19 December 2018 02:34

What are the main points of the laying period?

Do you know how many days of hatching an egg can produce a chicken? When does the chicken grow to start laying eggs? What is the peak period of laying eggs? do we need to care something?

A fertilized egg usually hatches the chicken after 21 days, the duck egg is 28 days, the goose egg is 30~33 days, the pigeon egg is 18 days, the pearl egg is 26 days, and the fire egg is 27~28 days. It takes these stages for a chick to go from hatching to final elimination.

Chicken raising, especially laying hens, determines the length of the egg production period. Why should limit light and limit materials before? Because, at the stage of 43~126 days, if the light is not limited, the chicken will lay eggs in advance, resulting in a shortened egg production period of 3 to 5 months, causing serious losses.

So the peak of egg production is so important, what should farmers pay attention to?

In addition to daily management, pay more attention to the condition of laying hens. Usually, in addition to packing eggs in egg packing system, clear dung, feeding, cleaning, you should also observe the status of the laying hens, see if there are sick chickens, etc. In short, pay more attention. Laying hens must ensure that nutrition is kept up.

Reduce stress and maintain environmental sanitation. High-yielding laying hens are easily frightened, resulting in less food for laying hens and lower egg production rates.

The problem to be paid attention to in raising chickens in summer: the optimum temperature for chicken adaptation is 13 to 25 degrees, and the production is customarily used for 21 to 25 degrees. In the hot summer, the chickens are fed in the cool morning.


Published in Layer Chicken Farms
Thursday, 13 December 2018 05:48

What is the demand for vitamins in chickens?

Vitamins are the nutrients needed for the chicken to sustain life and grow. Although the dosage is not much, if the
lack of it will have a certain impact on the health of the chicken, there are many kinds of vitamins, and the demand
for vitamins is different at different stages.

Vitamin C has anti-stress and anti-infective effects. In chickens under stress conditions such as high temperature,
cold and transportation, the addition of vitamin C has a certain effect, and it has certain improvement on egg
production and egg quality.

Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining the normal growth, development, reproduction and immune function of
chicken in poultry farming equipment and can improve the immunity of chicken.

Vitamin D is an indispensable vitamin for helping chickens to absorb calcium and phosphorus. When it is lacking,

it can cause rickets and rickets. More sun exposure is also good for chickens.


Wednesday, 12 December 2018 06:40

How to purify the environment of the chicken farm

Maintaining environmental sanitation is not only beneficial to the healthy growth of the flock, but also important to the health of the farmers. So how to purify the environment?

First, regular disinfection: regular disinfection of chicken equipment, effective blocking and cutting off the spread of disease

Second, diligently clean up the feces: the chickens will produce a lot of feces every day. If not cleaned up in time, harmful gases will seriously affect the health of the chicken.

Third, prepare some Chicken cages machinery to control the environment: Many chicken houses are closed, and some ventilation equipment is prepared to realize the ventilation management of the chicken house.

fourth, Greening: Some flowers and trees can be planted near the chicken house to green the environment of the chicken farm and purify the air.

Friday, 07 December 2018 03:02

chicken house Construction Suggest

The construction of the chicken house is related to the breeding work of the chickens in the back. The scientific and reasonable chicken house can play a role in improving work efficiency and management convenience. Now I would like to
suggest the construction of the battery cage system for layer as follows:

layer chicken cage for ordinary window chicken houses

The chicken house has windows, which can use natural light and natural ventilation to save production costs. Generally, there is no mechanical ventilation device, and most of the brick and wood structure is used. The building form is
basically the same as that of common civil buildings, but it is often opened at both ends. Floor window and roof vent cap.
The construction cost of such a house is medium, and the environmental control efficiency is general. When the person controls the illumination, it is difficult to shorten the illumination time. Thorough disinfection is more difficult
and suitable for small-scale professional households.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms