Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds

The breeding cages required in layer breeding are not as single as broiler breeding cages. Now the layer cages widely used by layer farmers include stacked layer cages and stepped layer cages. Although these two cages are used for raising laying hens, they play different roles in the breeding process. The following is mainly to analyze the differences between stacked layer cages and stepped layer cages for farmers.

1. Compared with the stepped layer cage, the layered layer cage has a smaller area. The layered layer cage makes full use of the advantages of space, reduces the use of the ground, and increases the number of breeding households.

2. Stacked layer cages can be equipped with a complete set of automatic poultry production system equipment, which can reduce the labor cost of farmers, improve the efficiency of breeding, and increase the economic benefits of farmers in the later period.

3. Stacked layer cages make full use of space advantages, and the number of rearing is more than that of stepped layer cages.

4. The ventilation performance of the stepped layer cage and the uniformity of the light of the chicken flock are better than that of the layered chicken cage, which can ensure that the chicken flock receives uniform light and promote its healthy growth.

5. In the process of using the stepped layer cage, there is no need to install manure removal equipment, and the manure in the chicken house can be directly dropped into the manure pit. Using battery layer cages, a professional manure cleaner must be prepared to treat the manure in the chicken house.

The above is the difference between stacked layer cages and battery layer chicken farming cages analyzed for farmers. It is hoped that through today’s description, farmers can have a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding of these two cages, so that they can purchase poultry breeding cages in the future.



Monday, 21 September 2020 08:54

About broiler cage chicken guide

Broiler cages are now a new way of raising broilers. Many farmers are gradually changing to cage methods. The use of broiler cages is different from the previous methods of raising chickens. The chicken raising guidelines and techniques will also change, so Farmers should learn the techniques of cage-raising chickens in time, and cooperate with each other to raise broilers better. The following breeding equipment manufacturers will tell several chicken-raising guidelines for the majority of broiler cage-raising farmers.


In the process of raising broilers in broiler poultry farming with fully automatic , although the feeding cycle of broilers is short, the main points of feeding and management of different growth cycles are different. Only by feeding and managing according to different growth stages can the growth performance of broilers be ensured. Generally, broilers are divided into three stages: early, middle and late feeding stages. The main points of feeding are:




1. Broiler chickens 0-14 days old: This period belongs to the broiler brooding stage and requires careful feeding and management by the farmers. The chicks should be boiled in time after entering the chicken house. It is recommended that the farmers add some glucose or High-efficiency and low-toxic antibacterial drugs. In addition, when feeding, a full-price feed should be prepared according to the nutrition required by the chicks, so that less feeding is required.


On the first day of the chicks, farmers can use a 24-hour uninterrupted light system. It is recommended that the light intensity can be 4 watts per square meter, and then gradually reduce the light time according to the growth stage, and implement this gradually reduced and then gradually increased light The system can promote the development of internal organs and bone calcification of chicks to a certain extent, so that their health conditions are good and the incidence of diseases is reduced.


2. Broiler chickens 10-35 days old: this stage belongs to the mid-term growth of broiler chickens. During this period, broiler chickens grow very fast. Therefore, farmers should increase the volume of feed appropriately according to the growth status of broiler chickens to reduce the energy and crude protein in the feed. The concentration can generally be reduced by about 10%, but the various vitamins, trace elements and minerals in the feed should be supplied according to the standard or slightly higher than the standard. In addition, attention should be paid to the ventilation, disinfection and reasonable immunization of the chicken coop in order to reduce the prevalence of broilers.


3. Broiler chickens 36 days old to slaughter: This stage is in the fattening period of broiler chickens, and the quality of broiler chickens will be improved if they are raised well at this stage. Farmers can obtain better economic bear aunts. Farming equipment manufacturers recommend that farmers need Use high-quality feed for short-term fattening, and also pay attention to adjusting the stocking density. Excessive feeding density not only restricts food intake, affects rest, and causes uneven growth and development of chickens, but also causes air pollution in the house, deterioration of environmental sanitation, and induces many diseases.


The above are the key points of broiler chickens raised in stages in the process of broiler cages, which are described by the breeding equipment manufacturers for farmers. This is also a guide for farmers to use broiler cages to raise chickens. I hope that the above description can be used for breeding. Thank you for your attention!

As the breeding industry using layer chicken cages in Ghana continues to expand, the scientific nature of breeding technology is becoming more and more important. The selection of chicken coop equipment, reasonable design of chicken coops, the control of chemical dosage, air circulation, and disease prevention are becoming more and more professional and scientific, which requires a group of high-tech breeders. So what aspects should be paid attention to in laying hen breeding?

1. suitable environment
Proper temperature, proper humidity, proper ventilation, proper stocking density, proper light

2. Sufficient drinking water
Ensure that the laying hens have proper drinking water, effectively ensuring the healthy growth of the laying hens.

3. Standard weight
Overweight or underweight will affect the laying rate of laying hens.

4. Reduce all kinds of stress
Suitable environmental factors are one of the key factors affecting the growth of laying hens.

5. Strengthen disinfection
Strengthen disinfection in the house and cleaning outside the house to ensure the cleanliness of the breeding environment and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

6. Immunization vaccine
Use vaccines correctly and reasonably to effectively control and reduce the derivation of poultry diseases.


Published in Layer Chicken Farms

1. Medium-scale chicken farms will become mainstream

At present, the long-term "small-scale and large-group" breeding in the layer industry has made disease control in areas with dense layer production become the biggest factor affecting the development of the industry. In the next 5-10 years, chicken farms with a stock of 50,000 to 500,000 layers will become the main source of eggs in the future, and chicken farms with a stock of less than 10,000 will gradually withdraw from the layer breeding industry.

2. Intelligent breeding

With the development of the poultry breeding equipment manufacturing industry and the integration of breeding equipment from countries around the world in the past two years, competition in the breeding equipment industry has become increasingly fierce. The relative investment of breeding equipment in the entire breeding process is constantly decreasing, which has made automated chicken coops popular all over the world. Coupled with the continuous increase in labor costs and management costs, farmers are actively developing in the direction of appropriate scale, standardization, automation, and intelligent breeding. "Man manages machines and machines raise chickens" will become more and more common, and intelligence will inevitably become the industry's choice in the future.

3. Industrial integration

With the scale and modern development of the layer industry, the integrated operation model has gradually been accepted by the majority of chicken farmers. The formation of a completed industrial chain will be very benign to the development of the entire industry. There are specializations in the technical industry, and professional people do professional things. The operation model from breeding-breeding chickens-feed-equipment-animal protection services-brand eggs-egg processing-out of the chicken industrial park is a good model for building a complete industrial chain.

Therefore, it can be seen that the use of automated poultry farming equipment to raise chickens is the general trend.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms
Thursday, 10 September 2020 07:12

Changes in poultry farming management methods

Concept renewal and development strategies in poultry production... After decades of development, the chicken industry has gone from free-range farming to large-scale farming professional households, and then to family-scale farming and high-standard mechanized large-scale farming models. The facilities and equipment have been advanced, and the scale of breeding has expanded. The number has gone from dozens or hundreds to tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. But breeders feel that it is becoming more and more difficult to raise chickens and economic benefits are getting lower. The reason is that, in addition to factors such as the increase in diseases, most of the farmers are still the original farmers, and a small part of them are transferred from other industries. The knowledge of these humans, animal husbandry and veterinarians is relatively lacking, and the key to breeding concepts and management models is not updated and improved.

1. Update of disease prevention concept

   In the past, many people used the prevention of diseases in the use of vaccines and drugs. However, as the breeding environment is getting worse and worse, the breeding industry should establish the epidemic prevention concept of "cultivation is more important than prevention, prevention is more important than cure, combined maintenance and prevention". Everyone who is engaged in animal husbandry knows that raising chickens is not that simple. Every moment of emergency, big or small, is related to whether the chickens can be released normally. One of the most troublesome things is the outbreak of infectious diseases in chickens, ranging from not making money, to losing money. How to prevent the disease and raise a good chicken is the top priority for the success or failure of breeding.

2. Update of management philosophy

The success of breeding depends on management, and the details determine the success or failure of breeding. The breeder of each hen house is more familiar with the hen house and flock he is responsible than the owner. For example, whether the water line is blocked, whether some chickens can't drink water, whether the equipment is working normally, etc., must be found by the breeder. The management personnel should communicate with the breeders diligently, caring diligently, combine responsibilities and rights, and fully stimulate the employees' sense of responsibility. The success or failure of breeding depends on different seasons and the specific conditions of each chicken house.

3. Raising chickens should be of appropriate scale and reasonable batches

When choosing to build a site, determine the size of the scale. It must match its own technology, conditions, capital, manpower, environment, etc., and cannot blindly pursue a super large-scale breeding model. Ultra-large-scale farming requires high investment, and automated poultry farming equipment is more expensive. If farmers choose large-scale farming when they have no farming experience, they will often not get better profits in the early stage. Of course, if investors invest in experienced farmers to start this business, it is certainly possible.

4. Automation, intelligence, and standardized breeding are the development direction of the chicken industry

Automated poultry breeding equipment can make the chicken coop realize automatic quantitative feeding, mechanized manure removal, automatic water supply, and regular spray disinfection. Realize automatic control of light, temperature, humidity and ventilation. In the current situation where the wages of personnel have increased significantly and the recruitment of breeders has become increasingly difficult, a lot of labor can be saved and labor intensity can be reduced. One person can manage tens of thousands of laying hens and tens of thousands of broilers.



If a breeding farm wants to be industrialized, large-scale breeding is inseparable from automatic layer breeding machinery and equipment. Automatic layer breeding machinery and equipment are good assistants to assist layer farmers in the breeding work. Nowadays, the chicken breeding equipment is very good. Mechanical automation can be applied for a long time. This requires farms to carry out timely maintenance and maintenance of machinery and equipment, so as to ensure that all machinery and equipment can be maintained for the long-term normal work of the farm. The working efficiency of the chicken farm is the maintenance and maintenance of the following automatic layer breeding machinery and equipment.


The key of automatic layer breeding machinery and equipment includes: automatic manure cleaning machine, automatic feeding machine, automatic egg picking machine, each of which will describe the key points of maintenance of machinery and equipment.




1. Automatic manure cleaning machine: After the farm has applied the manure cleaning machine for a period of time, the manure removal belt will increase and increase the slack. Maintenance of rolling bearings and rubber sticks. Rolling bearings should be added with unsalted butter on time. The glue sticks should be kept tight and not loose. In addition, many farms have a roll-up of manure removal opportunities. Farms will remove manure belts in passive rolling. The position of the barrel can be leveled.


2. Automatic feeder: When the feeder is in use, the farm must pay attention to the fact that no items can be placed on the feeder, otherwise it will cause the motor to withstand too much force and burn the motor. The application of the feeder Make sure that the transmission chain and gears have a certain level of lubrication, otherwise the lack of lubrication will destroy the equipment. The farm should pay attention to regular maintenance. The feeder is mainly produced by skin to transport concentrated feed, so the farm should be maintained regularly Is the transmission belt intact? Is the level of tightness moderate? The control cabinet of the feeder will have a lot of dust due to dust caused by the concentrate. In the long term, it will cause short-circuit failure of the internal power circuit. The farm should carry out the removal on time.


3. Fully automatic egg picker: When the farm uses an automatic egg picker, it is necessary to pay attention to the detailed learning and training of the appropriate operation steps of the machine equipment. If the wrong operation is very easy to cause damage to the machine and equipment, use the egg picker After that, you must pay attention to frequent disinfection and sterilization, because some chicken excrement, feather dusters and other items containing pathogens are inevitably left in the whole process of application of machinery and equipment. If you have been using a machine that carries pathogens and does not often clean up If the equipment is available, the quality of the eggs will be reduced.


Published in Layer Chicken Farms

Today the author will bring you the correct method of purchasing chicken breeding equipment, and I hope that through my introduction, you will have a deeper understanding.

Whether it is small-scale chicken farming or large-scale chicken farming, preparatory work must be done, and chicken farming equipment is crucial. Only complete and complete poultry farming equipment can allow chickens to have a very good growth environment, so that chickens can grow healthily. Chicken raising equipment is designed according to the needs of raising chickens, and there are many kinds of them.

1. For chicken factories, chicken coops are the most suitable poultry breeding equipment. A good chicken coop can provide good living space for chickens. However, when choosing the chicken cage to buy, we must fully consider the combination of the chicken cage and other additional equipment. For example, can feeding equipment, drinking water equipment, and manure removal equipment be used in an organic combination? Because the chicken farm needs to create a breeding process, it is impossible to play one of its roles. Chicken farming equipment can't just look at the completeness of the equipment, and various geographical and environmental factors should be fully considered in the selection process, and chicken farming equipment of different materials should be selected. At the same time, it is necessary to increase or decrease breeding equipment according to different breeding stages.

2. With the continuous development of the breeding industry, chicken breeding equipment is favored by farmers. Choose a heating stove with temperature adjustment equipment. There are many models of this product, and the super large furnace can be customized according to customer needs. It has the advantages of fast heating, low coal burning, convenient installation, and can be placed at will. Strong applicability Water curtain type factory air-conditioning system has wide applicability. It can play a significant role in a variety of densely populated places, large heat sources, pollution, and poor ventilation.

With the cooperation of the entire system of the ventilation equipment of the heater, the exhaust fan quickly exhausts the indoor personnel, the heat and exhaust gas generated by the machine, and avoids the stimulation of the human body by the exhaust gas and peculiar smell. The entire indoor air can be updated once within a minute, which is an effect that ordinary air conditioners cannot achieve. Choose the size of the chicken farm according to the scale of the chicken farm and the funds. If the degree of automation is higher, you can choose a high configuration. Choosing good quality poultry farming equipment and purchasing poultry farming equipment correctly can greatly reduce other labor costs.

Tuesday, 01 September 2020 09:06

Is chicken farming equipment cheaper?

Broiler cage equipment and cage chicken equipment are directly related to the interests of farmers. In many chicken farmers, the ratio of brooding, breeding and laying hens is out of balance and cannot meet the requirements. The rearing area is often too small, the rearing density is too high, and there is not enough feed and drinking troughs. It can be said that this is a common problem among chicken farmers and one of the important factors affecting the economic benefits of laying hens. Let's take a look at it.


Some chicken farmers raise more chickens, use few or no extra houses to raise chickens, and raise chickens in cages prematurely, which is not conducive to the growth and development of middle-aged chickens, thereby affecting the performance of chickens. Raise laying hens and harvest after the hens lay their eggs. Different grades and unmatched equipment for raising chickens, breeders and laying hens have specifications and ratio requirements. The equipment needs to be matched accordingly, which is conducive to the normal growth and reasonable turnover of chickens, and gives full play to the utilization and operation rate of the equipment, so that the depreciation cost distribution of each hen or each kilogram of eggs is more reasonable, thereby reducing production costs.




Now most of the laying hens are raised in the chicken cages of the chicken raising equipment. The chicken cage is an indispensable equipment, so chicken farmers generally pay attention to it. However, the quality of chicken breeding equipment lacks the ability to identify, and the price is often lower when purchased. Chicken raising equipment is the place where hens live, produce and sleep, and its quality cannot be ignored. The quality, width and slope of the bottom of the chicken coop are very important. In the same chicken farm, the differences in the quality of the cages produced by the two manufacturers have led to significant differences in egg production, number of dead eggs, and egg broken rate.


Another common problem worth noting is that chickens are not housed in cages. When the brood survival rate is high, the number of surviving hens exceeds the transfer budget, or when transferring, they are unwilling to eliminate underweight hens. In this case, they are often overloaded. According to statistics, 22.5% of hens died before 305 days of age. At this time, the number of hens in each cage increased to 5. According to the statistics of production reports accumulated by the author over the years, the egg production rate of chickens with cage density exceeding the standard is 5% to 15% lower than that of normal chickens.


The above is the standard for purchasing chicken battery cage equipment, so when purchasing equipment, it is not that the cheaper the price is, the better, but the quality should be the basis and the survival rate of the flock should be considered.