Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds

While broiler breeding equipment is convenient for breeding, there are also sanitation issues that need to be paid attention to. A good chicken house environment provides a better living space for chickens. This is also conducive to the healthy growth of chickens.


The first is to clean the chicken coop. Cleaning the chicken house requires removing the feces and debris inside and outside the chicken house. The feed that the chickens have not eaten in the trough also needs to be cleaned out. Then clean the trough with water.


Next, the chicken farmers must carry out an all-round cleaning of the chicken house. Poultry chicken cages, chicken manure board and other equipment and ceiling, chicken coop floor. Note that farmers must protect live equipment before cleaning to avoid accidents.



The third step. Equipment that can be moved should be removed from the house for disinfection. Expose it in the sun and put it back into the chicken coop one by one.


Fourth, the most common disinfection method used by farmers is to spray chemicals. This is the best way to eliminate pathogens in the chicken house. Farmers should pay attention to all aspects when spraying.


After the above steps are completed. Farmers can open all the entrances and exits and vents of the chicken coop. Let the chicken house ventilate for about ten days. The bacteria are further eliminated by keeping the chicken coop dry.


The above are the methods and precautions for disinfection of the shared chicken coop.

Published in Broiler Feeding System

Laying hen cages raise chickens. The growth cycle of laying hens is short and the stocking density is high. Farmers should pay special attention to the prevention of chickens. Doing a good job of disease defense can reduce the incidence of disease.


Farmers should develop immunization procedures. Farmers should be based on the local disease epidemic status. Find out what diseases have occurred in the area before or now. Farmers must focus on prevention. Develop a reasonable immunization program.


Buy high-quality vaccines. Whether the immunization is effective has a lot to do with the vaccine selected by the farmers. The quality of the vaccine is related to the effectiveness of the vaccine. Farmers should buy regular biological manufacturers. Also need to pay attention to the production date, shelf life and so on.


Note that sick chickens cannot be vaccinated. When farmers are conducting epidemic prevention, sick chickens cannot be immunized. If the farmers vaccinate the sick chickens, it will accelerate the death of the sick chickens. So vaccinate the sick chickens when they recover.


Avoid immune stress. In order to avoid stress during vaccination. Farmers should pay attention to the use of anti-stress drugs 4 to 5 hours before immunization when vaccinating with eye drops and nose drops. Avoid catching stress that causes the flock to die.


The above are some things that farmers should pay attention to when immunizing chickens in the process of raising chickens with the automatic chicken breeding equipment shared by the farmers.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms

Everyone knows that there are various equipment and utensils in the chicken farm. Although in the eyes of many people, its role is relatively simple. In fact, it must be used correctly and deployed reasonably. So what are the functions of poultry farming equipment in chicken farming?





1. The heat preservation equipment must be installed in the chick room. Different places have different heat preservation equipment. In places where the weather is relatively cold, most people will choose to use a coal stove to keep the chick room warm. The coal stove is the fastest temperature room to heat up. In areas with a lot of coal, it is cheaper to burn coal. However, it is more troublesome and laborious. It is necessary to constantly replace the coal, and the temperature needs to be controlled manually.


2. The ventilation equipment in the chicken house has been installed, and there are two main types installed and fixed in the chicken house. One is the exhaust fan installed on the roof, which exchanges with the air in the chicken house through natural wind, and installs the size of the air outlet. It determines the size of the wind and the air exchange in the chicken house. The other is to install a fan or exhaust equipment in the chicken house. The fan is to send fresh air to the outside of the chicken house. The exhaust is to exhaust the odorous air from the chicken house. The role of ventilation.


3. Install lighting equipment in the chicken house and install heat preservation lamps in the chicks room. When the climate changes or when the temperature difference between the outdoor and the indoor is large, the heat preservation lamps should be turned on to reduce the large temperature difference and avoid the chicks from the stress reaction of the climate. In addition to heat preservation, lighting lamps must be installed in other places. Generally, energy-saving lamps are used in chicken coops, and they are installed in various places in the coop, which can completely illuminate the normal diet of chickens.

4. Most of the users who raise chickens in the house will choose cage breeding. Cage breeding can be convenient for feeding and management. Each chicken is fed evenly without disorderly order. Diseases are detected early to prevent fighting and preying between chickens. For example, the height of the chicken cage and the large chicken cage and the space of the cage are different, and their drinking water equipment and heat preservation equipment are different.

5. The chicken manure cleaning equipment is necessary for the farm. The tools generally required for manual manure cleaning are shovel, bucket truck and other tools that can clean manure. Many of the large-scale investments choose machines to clean the manure. In cages, manure scraping equipment or conveyor belt manure cleaners are installed to realize automatic manure removal and reduce labor costs.

6. The disinfection facilities of chicken farms. In large-scale chicken farms, there is usually a disinfection tank at the entrance of the chicken farm. Outsiders or staff who often go to the chicken farm must step on their feet when entering the chicken farm. disinfect. Professionals also have special disinfected clothes to change. The staff in the venue are equipped with uniform work clothes and shoes. They must first go through the disinfection area to enter the venue. Vehicles passing by when the chickens go out of the slaughter and when they enter the chicks are equipped with disinfection facilities, and the vehicles are sprayed with disinfectant water or other spray disinfection methods.


7. Chicken eating utensils, relatively small chicken farms are all artificially fed. The utensils include troughs, buckets, artificial water dispensers and automatic drinking fountains, etc. The large-scale ones are generally automatically fed, in cages. Various feeding systems and automatic drinking water systems are installed in the system, which greatly reduces labor costs.

The choice of automatic chicken breeding equipment and breeding methods are directly related to the economic benefits of farmers. Many farmers choose to raise more chickens and fewer coops. This results in a large breeding density. More problems will arise.


Some farmers want to raise more chickens. Use less chickens or use houses as chicken coops to raise chickens. Farmers put the chicks in chicken cages. This is very incorrect. Finally, it will affect the laying performance of laying hens.



The equipment for raising chickens must be matched. It is not only conducive to the normal development of the flock, but also conducive to the turnover of the flock. Give full play to the utilization of equipment. If the equipment does not match the growth and development of the chicken, the chicken cannot be raised well.


Nowadays, laying hens are mostly raised in cages, and chicken cages are indispensable equipment. Chicken farmers generally pay more attention. However, it lacks the ability to discern the quality of chicken coops, and tends to be at a low price when buying. The cage is a place for the hen to live, produce and sleep, and its quality cannot be ignored. The quality of the bottom of the cage, the width and slope of the cage are especially important. The difference in the quality of the chicken cages of the two manufacturers has caused significant differences in egg production and egg broken rate.


Farmers must pay attention to the quality when buy automatic poultry battery cages. The quality of the equipment cannot be bought cheaply. It will also affect the growth of later chickens.


Now caged laying hens have become the first choice for farmers. But for many novice farmers who raise chickens peacefully, they have this question. Is it that the cost of raising chickens with automated chicken farming equipment is high?


The answer is that the cost of breeding will be high. The following will introduce why high-cost farmers are still willing to use it.


First of all, the chicken cage equipment adopts a multi-layer cage method. The chicken coop has three, four or more layers. Therefore, farmers using chicken cages can raise three, four times or even more laying hens. Cage raising increases the utilization of chicken house area. As the number of chicken houses increases, so does the income of farmers.



Multi-layer chicken cages raise chickens. The area above the chicken coop is also effectively used. And the feces produced by the chickens in the cage can fall on the ground or on the conveyor belt. The flocks will not come into contact with feces. This reduces the number of fecal infections. This allows the chickens to lay eggs earlier.


Laying hens are raised in chicken cages. Laying broilers live in chicken coops for a long time. The stocking density is relatively large, so there is very little space for chicken activities. If the activity of broilers is less, the energy consumption will be reduced, and the feed required will be reduced. Cage can effectively save more than 20% of feed cost.


Farmers use chicken farming equipment to raise chickens. It is very convenient to drink and feed. Farmers can save a lot of space to manage the flock and deal with other things. Improve the labor efficiency of farmers.


The quality of the chicken coop is good. Chicken farming equipment can be used for more than ten years. Farmers choose the hot-dip galvanizing process when buying. Buy duplex, anti-aging. Numerous batches of chickens can be raised.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms
Automatic chicken cages are very popular in the breeding industry. Because it can improve economic efficiency. Many farmers do not understand how chicken cages can improve economic efficiency, so I will answer your questions today.


The cascading layer cage has a high feeding density. Adopt a multi-level rearing model. More chickens can be fed in a chicken house of the same area. Farmers rationally plan the breeding density, and the number of breeding houses can add chicken-raising benefits to the farmers.


Save feed. Chicken flocks live in a limited space for a long time. The chicken's range of motion is relatively small, so the amount of exercise will be relatively small. Laying hens consume less energy and require less feed and not too much. It can also make the feed well absorbed in the body. This also further improves the utilization rate of feed.


Reduce labor costs. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens not only increases the number of chickens but also reduces labor costs. Because chickens live in chicken cages. It is more convenient for farmers to carry out feeding management and observe the situation of chickens. If the farmer buys automatic chicken raising equipment, he can raise tens of thousands of chickens by himself.


Increase egg production in laying hens. Because the laying hens are kept in cages. It can well absorb the nutrients in the feed. Make it play a better production function and increase egg production. Add the benefits of laying hens to raise chickens for breeders. Comparing flat rearing can obtain higher benefits.


The above is the sharing of the outstanding suppliers of automatic chicken cages on how chicken cages can improve the economic benefits of farmers. In fact, there are many advantages of caged chickens. Farmers can obtain benefits as long as they use them reasonably.
Published in Layer Chicken Farms
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 08:53

About the layer battery cage feeding mode

Under the development of breeding automation, the layer battery cage breeding mode has been widely recognized by the majority of layer farms. This breeding method has a small area and high space utilization. The layered cleaning of chicken manure can not only improve the utilization rate of chicken manure, but also It also reduces the degree of environmental pollution. At the same time, labor intensity is reduced and productivity is improved. Although stacked cages have many advantages, the premise is to know how to use them and how to manage them.




Due to the inconvenience of layer battery cages, it is inconvenient to catch the chickens. The laying time for laying hens can be appropriately extended. Vaccines that require immunity, such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, and egg drop syndrome, should be completely immunized before being basketed. over. When the egg production rate reaches 5%, the prenatal feed should be replaced with peak feed. The refueling will take one week for the transition. At this time, the feed should maintain high quality and stable nutritional content, and do not change the finished feed and raw materials at will.



In addition to the conventional power system, a generator that matches the chicken farm must be required and can be automatically switched. To ensure uniform light in the house, light bulbs can be installed on a staggered level or row of lights can be used. In order to ensure the service life of the equipment, lubricate the transmission parts such as the transmission sprocket and gears of the transmission box once a month when in use. Clean the surface of the egg roller and fecal roller in time. Clean up the impurities in the soft and broken egg collection tray in time. The ventilation system should be adjusted appropriately for side wall ventilation and roof ventilation according to the different seasons. Always keep the lighting bulb clean to prevent affecting the light intensity.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms

In the process of raising chickens in automated layer cages, the comprehensiveness of feed nutrients is the basis for improving the high yield of layer hens. Sometimes the egg shell becomes thin and easy to break, and the color varies from light to dark. It means that the laying hens are lacking in calcium.


The first layer lacks calcium content in the feed. Farmers should know that calcium is an essential nutrient substance for laying hens to grow and lay eggs. It should be adjusted according to the growth of the laying hens and the laying situation. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to calcium supplementation for laying hens.



The nutrients of calcium and phosphorus in the feed are not balanced. Farmers should pay attention to whether the nutrients in the breeding are balanced. Too much phosphorus will affect the absorption of calcium. Calcium and phosphorus affect the strength of the eggshell.


Long-term cage breeding and lack of light: Most farmers now use the method of raising chickens in layer cages to raise layer hens. Most of the chicken houses are closed, so the layer chickens cannot get effective light. Farmers need to purchase lighting equipment for artificial lighting. But if the farmers do not perform the proper order, it will affect the absorption of calcium in the laying hens. At the same time, when the supplemented concentrate calcium is less, there will be a lack of calcium.


The above are the several reasons why layer cage manufacturers have summarized the calcium deficiency of layers for farmers. I hope that the above description can bring some help to farmers.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms

There are currently two ways to raise chickens in cages and peacefully. Nowadays, cage breeding is almost inseparable from the use of automatic chicken breeding equipment.


The chicken coops that raise chickens generally rely on natural air flow for ventilation. The natural light from the windows maintains the temperature of the chicken house. The temperature and humidity in the chicken house basically change with climate change. The counterfeit cost of this kind of chicken coop is low, and the investment is small. The requirements of the farmers on the feed are not strict. This method of raising chickens is greatly affected by the natural environment, and it is also difficult to prevent epidemics.


Therefore, in order to ensure the healthy growth of chickens, can cage layers use automated chicken raising equipment?


 Chickens in layer chicken cages are enclosed chicken houses. So we must use automated chicken farming equipment. Use an exhaust fan to suck in fresh air and exhaust the air in the house. Artificial lighting is used in the house instead of natural lighting. When the temperature is high, a cooling pad should be installed. In the cold season, artificial heating can be used to keep the temperature in the house within a comfortable range. Make chickens have a good diet and environment, and greatly reduce the prevalence of caged broilers. Therefore, caged broilers must be raised with automated chicken raising equipment!

With the improvement of layer production level, the rate of soft skinned eggs laid by layer cages has also increased. Soft preserved eggs are difficult to store, difficult to transport and sell.


First, farmers can add minerals to chicken feed. The softening of eggshells is mainly due to the lack of calcium and vitamins. Farmers can add nutrients to the feed from time to time. Meet the needs of the chicken body to synthesize eggshells.


The second nutrient is matched reasonably, and the feed is evenly mixed. If the farmers do not choose a nutritionally balanced feed, it will also lead to the production of soft-shelled eggs.




Third, the laying hens were frightened. Farmers need to build chicken coops in quiet places such as the suburbs. Because if the laying hen is frightened before laying eggs. The nerves of the reproductive system are disturbed and disorder occurs, which affects the quality of the shell.


Fourth, the chicken house environment. Farmers need to pay attention to the environmental temperature of the chicken house. Provide a suitable temperature for chicken laying. If the temperature of the chicken house is too high, the chicken feed intake will decrease. As a result, the amount of calcium intake in chickens cannot meet the needs of chickens to form eggshells.


The above is the shared solution of using automated breeding equipment to raise chickens and lay soft-skinned eggs. I hope my sharing can help farmers who are suffering from this problem.
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